20 Jahre ATTS (mit internationaler Straßenbahn-Konferenz und großer Traumparade)

Unser Partnerverein ATTS in Turin veranstaltet im Dezember 2025 wieder ein sehr großes Event. Die letzte Konferenz war ein toller Erfolg, zahlreiche Straßenbahnvereinigungen aus aller Welt (einige nahmen per Videolink teil) berichteten über ihre Aktivitäten – die Vorträge sind auch in diesem Jahr alle auf englisch. Die große Straßenbahnparade soll sogar die Parade zum 150. Jubiläum im Jahre 2022 noch übertreffen! Turin im Dezember ist eine Reise wert – jedes Jahr (seit 18 Jahren) wird hier den Einheimischen und Besuchern ein besonderes Straßenbahnprogramm geboten.

Details liegen nunmehr vor:


Dear rail-friends!
On the twentieth anniversary of its foundation, ATTS is glad to announce the nineteenth edition of the Torino Trolley Festival, which will be held on the first weekend of December. It is a tier event that has no equal in Italy and ranks among the major historical tram events worldwide. It takes place every year on the Turin tramway system, a network that boasts two tram lines regularly operated with authentic historic cars: the circular line 7 and the Sassi-Superga rack tramway. The historic fleet, jointly managed by ATTS and GTT (the Turin public transport company), is the largest in Italy. This special “20th anniversary” edition will focus on two events: an International Conference on Friday 5 and Saturday 6 December, and a Big Tram Parade on Sunday 7 December. Their main purpose, consistent with the ATTS mission, is to enhance the tramway as historical and cultural heritage of the cities.
You’ll find the general program and maps attached. For any communications: ttf25@atts.to.it

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Trams from past to future”
Friday 5 December 2025 from 16:00 to 22:00 at Sassi-Superga Station
Saturday 6 December 2025 from 9:30 to 20:00 at NH Collection Hotel Piazza Carlina.
The purpose of the conference is to showcase and compare the best practices worldwide in the field of historical tram transportation. Many experts from museums, associations and operators are expected to bring their expertise, coming from 20 countries and four continents. All presentations will be held in English. More than 15 of them are scheduled, covering five topics: 1)-The role of vintage trams in tourism and culture, 2)-Publicity and advertising, 3)-Volunteering and succession planning, 4)-Car restoration to modern regulatory standards, 5)-Modelling vintage trams.
How to participate and registration form: see attachments

Sunday 7 December 2025 from 10:00 to 18:30 at Piazza Castello.
The Trolley Festival will be focused in Piazza Castello, in the heart of the historic centre of Turin: there you’ll find an ATTS’ white gazebo for information and book and miscellany sale. From 10:00 to 11:30 and from 14:30 to 18:30, several historic tramcars will run on special routes boarding and alighting at Piazza Castello. The historic tramline 7 will continue its GTT-operated service, having its terminus on the west track at Piazza Castello, while the east track will be reserved for trams operated by the ATTS. In addition to tramcars, also the historic CV61 1961 double-decker bus will run on a different special route, boarding and alighting at Piazza Castello beside the gazebo. From 12:00 to 13:00, a big parade performed by all available vehicles from the historic fleet (trams and buses), supplemented by samples of modern, special and works-cars, for a total of about 25 vehicles will be the culmination of the event. The parade, the biggest ever seen in Turin, will start from Piazza Statuto to continue towards Corso San Martino, Piazza XVIII Dicembre, Via Pietro Micca, Piazza Castello, Via Po as far as a Piazza Vittorio Veneto. Historic tramline 7 will be suspended from 11:30 to 13:30, in order to allow the parade’s execution.

We are waiting for you in Turin on the first weekend of December: don’t miss this extraordinary event! December is a busy tourist season in Turin and places at the conference are limited, therefore we advise you to plan your stay well in advance.

See you soon!

Rossana Conti
(ATTS Webmeetings Volunteer Staff)


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